Friday, May 8, 2009

Baby Steps, to Stepping Stones

This journey with the Holistic Makeover has been exciting and yet exhausting, in a wonderful way. The journey of the self is quite interesting. During the three months of working on the self, I have a better understanding of myself as a whole person, with great compassion. Let me share with you my journey, what I have found out about myself , and what I plan on doing about it in order to move forward with goals in life so I can be the best for ME. My blog is a great place for me to share my journey along the way. All of us are great caregivers and have one thing in common, we all take care of others so the focus is not on the one subject that's most important which is the self. If you are not caretakers than we keep ourselves so busy, how could we fit ourselves in our own schedule? How sad...... With me I have found I have to take baby steps. Yes, baby steps. When I do accomplish these steps one by one, I feel so good because the things that were bothering me don't any more because I succeeded them. A feeling of accomplishment. And boy does it feel good.
For me it is all about the self. Its about my needs and the steps I need to make to become the person I want to be. How can something so simple be so hard for some of us? I love to share, and enjoy writing. What I can share with you is about the steps I've taken to discover who I really am. I can not tell you about yourself, only you can tell that story. Even though the Holistic Makeover is coming to an end, its just a beginning of discovery for me. I was getting a little scared trying to figure out what my passion in life was and I didn't want to see myself as before. I wanted to see a change and feel good about myself and where I was headed. I needed and wanted direction. I have found it. The direction is working on the self. Its OK to take baby steps, because with baby steps it can get done! and that moves me closer to my dreams.......Here are some steps I learned along the way.

1) Its OK to fall. We all fall many times throughout our lifetime. The real deal is whether we stay down for a long time or get right back up, brush ourselves off, and pick up where we left off.

2) We must keep the momentum going so we don't have time to dwell on how fast or slow we are moving, just to know we are moving forward is all that counts.

3) Its not how many steps we take in a time period but how many times we have stayed up with out falling.

Before we even realize, it becomes a routine and we do it without even thinking. We realize as the focus begins to shift, its not in the steps but accomplishments we had achieved.

What I always wanted was to be at number ten when I was only on number one. I did not want to do the steps in between to get me to ten. I wondered why and now I understand why I have not succeeded in my hopes, and dreams for my future. Have I wasted these past years crawling? I know the answer to that now. We all have our own work to accomplish, we all have a destiny to shine, we all want to share what we know, ideas, help others, we want to make a difference. How can we do that if we have not found the self first? Write your own story not someone elses'. Live from the heart , feel from the soul, share from your experiences because no two stepping stones are alike.

May you take each step with Faith, Courage, and a knowing you can never fail , for there is not such a pathway, just the fear to move forward!

You are all priceless, shine like the star you are, for all to see, and remember just to be!



Deborah said...

Thank you for sharing what is in your heart. You bring up some valuable points for us all to remember.

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