Friday, June 11, 2010

Acknowledging What You Have Done

One of the things I see all too often in health seekers, including my past self, is the (negative) focus on what hasn't been done or achieved with body/health/weight as opposed to what has. It is so easy to forget as we focus on moving forward how far we have already come, how many strides we have already made and how extra-ordinary we really are... (in a good way!) And it is also all too easy to become self-critical and even self- destructive as we measure ourselves against what we perceive we "should" have achieved, who we think we "should" be or compare ourselves to others, real or imaginary, in any way shape or form. Remember, wherever you are at right now, it's all good, in fact it's "perfect" and it's where you're supposed to be - even if it doesn't look or feel the way you want it to right now. It is what it is, and all of us needs to learn to accept what is before we can move mindfully and successfully into the realm of conscious creation. So be at peace with where you're at because right now, it's where you are - and when you know where you are, and when you know where you want to be then and only then can you chart your map in a way that is far more likely to get you there. When we look at what we do have rather than what we dont we shift into another state of mind. A place that we feel good in and feel blessed. If you start your day with thanking God for all the good things in your life, your days will be so much more meaningful, and fun and when you are in that state of mood, its a good day. Blessings....and may your day be filled with sunshine


Deborah said...

Thank you for the reminder. So often I'm focused on where I want to go that I forget to appreciate where I'm at right now! Hope all is good in your camp!

Anonymous said...


I so needed this one today. Written beautifully and from the heart as always. Thank you!

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